Awards 2019

Heat-resistant PVC rolling shutters, tested tough

IA19_Pict_TPVCompound_RollingShutterIn Italy, the team at TPV Compound know the risks and dangers of intense sunlight for plastic rolling shutters. That’s why they devised ROLL-VYL® with a PVC compound that is more resistant to solar rays, and they put it to a punishing test.

Shining a Xenon arc light for 2000 hours on dark brown or dark green shutters resulted in more than a third less distortion than with standard PVC of the same colours. That’s like exposing the shutters to 250 consecutive summer days.

The weathering resistance improvement is dramatic,” says Gabriele Bagnoli of TPV Compound. “These characteristics, combined with other properties as light weight, thermal and acoustic insulation, resistance to chemical aggression, make PVC attractive in the rolling shutter business.”

And there’s the environmental dimension: the shutters last longer and require less energy to produce than their metallic competitors.

TPV Compound has an entire line of ROLL-VYL® rolling shutters of various colours, part of a wide range of PVC products by a company that has been in the business for more than a half century. Their mission: “quick solutions and timely assistance.”