Awards 2022

“RAPMUS” – Reduced ageing of plastics in museums.

Norner_Kira-Wager,-Eiksmarka-oil-on-PVCProject “Rapmus” was a collaborative project, funded by a Norwegian regional funding body. Conservators, e.g. from The National Museum, have collaborated with scientists and researchers (NORNER, CNEP) to try to solve challenges related to conservation of polymer materials. The well-known and recognised Nordic artist Kira Wager was an appreciated participant in the project. From the beginning of her career, she uses a classical oil painting technique on PVC support instead of canvas. The project has demonstrated that rigid white PVC could be sustainable enough to be used as a painting support without any de lamination of the painting when submitted to indoor light and heat. The absence of softener was also positive for this specific use of PVC.